A key motivation for any property investor is obviously to maximize returns. What’s not always so obvious is exactly how to go about doing that in an effective and sustainable way. This is where focusing on NOI, or net operating income, becomes important. For real...
Increasing NOI doesn’t require complicated computations or abstract algorithms. Anyone can do it with a sound strategy and insightful data to guide their decision-making When it comes to operational expenses in particular, using past data to inform future investment...
Maintenance expenses are far and away the greatest category of spend for any property investor. While that may not seem like the greatest news, the silver lining is that it also means it offers one of the greatest areas of opportunity in terms of how you can optimize...
You’ve done all the right things to secure a high-quality tenant. You have a great resident in your property who pays their rent on time, is not disruptive and follows the rules. Now, the question is, how do you keep them? Ways to Retain a Resident at Renewal While...
In our last post we discussed one scenario when you should consider reevaluating the amount you charge for rent – during a lease renewal period. Here we’ll talk about how to approach setting rental rates when a unit is sitting vacant. Scenario #2: Evaluating...
Spoiler alert – it snows in Columbus. While it may not amount to the same level of snow other areas of the U.S. get, it still can be significant, and it can still significantly affect a property owner’s budget. Per data we’ve collected on multifamily rental...